
A Letter from the Founder about Donations
Monday of Holy Week April 2, 2012
7th Anniversary of Blessed Pope John Paul II’s Death

It has been seven years today since I first talked at length with Pope John Paul II. Upon hearing of his death, I had my first long, prayer conversation with this great man. I introduced myself and told him how I had been blessed to support Eucharistic Adoration on different levels. I told him my hopes and dreams to grow Eucharistic adoration and I prayed to him that he watch over and bless the work I would be involved in.

On that day I began frantically working on a tribute for the Pope John Paul II Eucharistic Adoration Association of the Archdiocese of Chicago. It had been a year earlier that Adoration Servants took its domain name on the feast of St Mary Magdalene. For years we worked with nothing other than the web name, volunteering time and money where it could be used, and when it could be spared. Martha and Mary became our patrons with Luke 10:38-42 our bible verse.

Skipping some details, a few months back we became a fully IRS tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization. With the prospect of respectable board members wanting Adoration Servants to start engaging in more activities in more ways, I needed to get the public face of the website revamped to a more complete picture of our organization. I also needed to be able to provide a way to accept donations. I was reluctant to spend my limited time on this public face. I complained in my prayers that I should work on improvements for the chapels if I should do anything. And besides, I told our Lord in prayer, first I need to setup the credit card processing, the banks, the websites, and the databases. This is serious security and I told the Lord, someday I will do it when I find the time, but time it will take, more than I have right now. Only then will Adoration Servants grow it seems.

Well, the very next day, per chance it seemed, I stumbled across, which is now Mightycause, a 501(c)(3) dedicated to the fundraising management of other 501(c)(3)’s. They do it all competitively. The Lord took away my excuse and I had to get the rest of the site up to a presentable level.

I went live with the new site today, the 7th anniversary of Blessed John Paul’s death. Seven is the biblical number of perfection and I pray that this may be the start of powerful intercession from our great past pope.

In addition at Mass today the Gospel was John 12:1-11, where Jesus visits Lazarus, Martha, and Mary. Of course Martha served but this time Mary anointed Jesus with costly oil worth 300 days wages. The "house was filled with the fragrance of oil." Jesus seemed quite pleased. Someone paid for that oil.

Won’t you please consider giving some of your costly oil to Jesus, via Adoration Servants, in the form of the secure online payment provided on this page or send a check to the address provided below? Help the fragrance of Eucharistic Adoration grow by helping Adoration Servants serve.

Thank you.
Steve Lovison, Founder

Adoration Servants
7631 Quebec Dr.
Huntington Beach, CA. 92648